Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Many people are still unaware of the
amazing story of "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, the now 67-year-old Swiss
man whose voluntary, face-to-face contacts with extraterrestrial humans
have been going on for the past 62 years. For many years, Meier was
dismissed by sceptics as a fraud and hoaxer. But the recent failure of
the top professional sceptics' organisation CFI-West, in Los Angeles, to
duplicate even one of his "easily duplicated" UFO photos or film
segments, followed by the sudden retraction by magician/debunker James
Randi that the case is a hoax, has resulted in much deserved, renewed
interest in the case.
In addition to producing the clearest photos, films and video
of UFOs ever taken, as well as other physical evidence, for the past 48
years Meier has published the most specific, prophetically accurate,
scientific and world-event-related information of any known source.
Before you consider the prophetic information below, please note that
from his 251st Contact on February 3, 1995, Meier published advance
warning of the US attack on Iraq, the increase in Islamic terrorism to
follow, the appearance of SARS, the spread of "mad cow disease", the
renewed public concern over chemical warfare, and the near accident at
the nuclear power plant near Lyon, France (which occurred in August
2003). All of this information and more from the 251st Contact was also
published in Guido Moosbrugger's book, And Yet They Fly!, in September
2001—well before any of the foretold events
Combine this unprecedented evidence and all of the following
with the still irreproducible, scientifically authenticated physical
evidence, and you may understand why this remarkable one-armed man, who
has been the target of 19 documented assassination attempts, stands at
the centre of the most important story in all of human
In the following article I give the numbers and dates of
specific contacts between Billy Meier and the Plejaren, and then an
overview of the information contained in each contact. The items titled
"CORROBORATED" show the dates and sources of the earliest
corroboration of Meier's information found by the researchers. It should
be noted that Genesis III published much of the material in volumes 1–4
of Message from the Pleiades, with the earliest copyright being
1979—the date by which almost all of the information was in the
possession of the investigative team. While I present only a brief
overview of the information in the specific contacts, I hope that each
contact will be published in its entirety in the near future. Except
where attributed to Meier, the Plejaren are the source of the
Absence of Erroneous Prophetic Information
If, as some people might think, Meier somehow guessed or
fabricated all of this specific, prophetically accurate information, it
would be logical to assume that there would have to be an even more
enormous body of randomly generated erroneous information.
Unfortunately for the sceptics, there simply is no such
voluminous body of inaccurate work. And it's easy to prove this, since
most of the information validated so far has been culled from a couple
of thousand pages of the earliest English translations of the Contact
Reports, published by Meier primarily between 1975 and 1979, with
additional information excerpted from contacts in the 1980s and 1990s.
Let me also add that there are still thousands of pages of untranslated
German texts and some unofficial English translations that contain
additional, already published, prophetic information awaiting scrutiny.
What Does It Mean to Us?
Meier and his extraterrestrial friends seem to be able to
predict, i.e., accurately calculate, the results of causal actions known
to them, originating from humanity and/or nature and the cosmos. And
they have made it clear that certain prophesied (undesired) events can
still be changed for the better—if humanity recognises its errors and
makes sufficient effort in the correct, positive direction to alter
those outcomes that can still be changed.
In the 215th Contact, known as the Henoch Prophecies, special
emphasis was placed on America and the very times we are in. (These
prophecies are contained in the 2004 book, And Still They Fly!) More
recent comments by Meier have also carried harsh and heavy warnings
about the current American administration and leadership and the danger
of its leading the world into a cataclysmic Third World War. Considering
the credibility the Plejaren have established with their track record
of accuracy since at least 1975, it would be wise for us to give serious
consideration to their warnings about the future. Of course, it is up
to each interested person to do the research necessary to determine the
accuracy and authenticity of the Meier Contacts for themselves.
Should the most important event in human history—contact
between an Earth human and extraterrestrial humans—actually have
occurred, then we might realise that this is less about UFOs and
extraterrestrials than it is about us—and our future survival.
As you read (and research) the following,
please consider the possibility that the extraterrestrials and Meier
are attempting to offer us assistance in solving the very serious
problems we face.
• 7th Contact, February 25, 1975, and 35th Contact, September 16, 1975:
Connection of A-bomb testing, explosions to ozone damage;
high-frequency "elementary radiations" unknown to terrestrial
scientists; damage to Earth's rotation, magnetic disturbances, polar
displacement; contribution of bromine gases to ozone damage; penetration
of UV through holes, killing micro-organisms and leading to disruptions
in food chain, genetic mutations and other long-term negative effects
for humans and the planet.
CORROBORATED: November 29, 1988, with report published by
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories announced this "new discovery":
"Atom Bomb Testing Tied to Ozone
CORROBORATED: 1991, when National Public Radio confirmed the connection between bromine gases and ozone layer
CORROBORATED: February 24, 1992, Los Angeles Times, "Ozone Hole Damages Food Chain".
• 29th Contact, July 7, 1975, and 31st Contact, July 17, 1975:
Contact involved specific information about Venus, unknown at
the time, including composition of atmospheric gases, surface
temperatures, depth of clouds, wind speeds, atmospheric pressure,
colouration, variation in terrain, etc.
CORROBORATED: October 1975 and August 1976, confirmed by probes from the USSR and USA
CORROBORATED: February 1981; USGS [US Geological Survey] was
producing a topographical map of Venus which, as discovered by the
investigative team, further confirmed the details Meier had published
five years earlier.
• 31st Contact, July 17, 1975:
Semjase informed Meier that Mt Chimborazo, Ecuador, is the
highest mountain on Earth (above sea level), contrary to Meier's belief
that it was Mt Everest.
CORROBORATED: June 1996 in Earth magazine, 21 years later.
• 45th Contact, February 25, 1976:
Semjase (Meier's extraterrestrial female contactor) warned him
that our extraction of petroleum and natural gas from the Earth, the
damming of waters and construction of huge cities are major factors
contributing to increased
earthquake/volcanic activity.
CORROBORATED: June 27, 1990, in The Good Life newspaper (now defunct), Los Angeles: "Earthquakes, Oil Interact".
• 115th Contact, October 19, 1978:
Meier described existence of Jupiter's rings, saying they are
composed mainly of dust, particles, sulphur ions flung off by volcanoes
on Io; described Io as the most volcanically active body in the solar
system, and smooth, level-surfaced with no water; described Europa as
ice-encrusted; Jupiter said to have 17 "actual" moons (Plejaren don't
consider that all of Jupiter's satellites meet their standards for
moons); described nature of Jupiter's huge funnel-shaped storm.
CORROBORATED: March 5, 1979, NASA's Voyager 1 probe discovered
the rings of Jupiter, that Io is the most volcanically active body in
the solar system and that Europa is covered in ice—five months after
Meier published this
CORROBORATED: September 15, 1998, Cornell University
scientists confirmed particulate composition of rings from Jupiter's
moons (first theorised by astronomers on August 2, 1995). Meier's
information is 20 years ahead of Cornell's. (While scientists believe
that the source of the particulate matter is explosions caused by
meteorite strikes on the moons' surfaces, Meier's information seems more
accurate, i.e., matter being explosively propelled from volcanoes at
speeds up to 2,300 km/hour to heights of 180 km is more likely the true
source of most particulate-forming rings.)
Additional information from the 115th Contact was accidentally
given to lead investigator Col. Wendelle Stevens, USAF (Ret.), and
shown by him to Maj. Rudolph Pestalozzi, USAF (Ret.) and Mr O. Richard
Norton, former director of the Flandreau Planetarium, Tucson,
Witnessed by the three men, the information was secured until after the following specific, predicted events occurred:
• Jonestown massacre (Nov 18, 1978)
• Overthrow of the Shah of Iran (Jan 1979)
• Chinese invasion of North Vietnam (Feb–Mar 1979)
• Iran Hostage Crisis (Nov 1979–Jan 1981)
• Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (Dec 1979)
• Terrorist attack on Iranian Embassy, London (Apr–May 1980)
• Abdication of Queen Juliana of The Netherlands (Apr 1980)
• Death of Tito of Yugoslavia (May 4, 1980)
• Mount St Helens eruption (May 18, 1980)
• Assassination of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (Oct 31, 1984).
• 1978:
In a Wasserman publication, Meier foretold the launch of a
telescope at end of the 1980s that would make unfathomable discoveries
in space, and wrote that a comet would be discovered in the late 1980s
to early 1990s; it would be named Toutatis, and may threaten Earth in
September 2004..
CORROBORATED: April 1990, Hubble telescope was launched.
CORROBORATED: 1989, French astronomers discovered a comet
[asteroid], named it Toutatis, and predicted it would come closest to
Earth on September 29, 2004.
• 1978, 1992:
In his book, Existing Life in the Universe, Meier stated that
there are two small planetary bodies outside Pluto's orbit; he called
them Trans-Pluto and Uni, and said scientists will discover them in the
CORROBORATED: July 3, 2001 and October 7, 2002, the BBC
reported that scientists have discovered a new planet beyond Pluto.
• 150th Contact, October 10, 1981:
Meier discussed information concerning the 29 actual moons of Saturn, and the origins of moons from
CORROBORATED: November 2000, scientists announced the
discovery of 12 additional moons orbiting Saturn, bringing the
"official" total to 28, just one shy of what Meier reported almost 20
years earlier; scientist corroborates the likelihood that moons
originate from asteroids.
• 215th Contact, February 28, 1987:
Known as the Henoch (or Enoch) Prophecies, this contact
contained a forewarning of the destruction of the World Trade Center
(WTC) by terrorism, the series of worldwide wars that the US would
subsequently launch, and military actions involving Russia, China,
France, Germany, Spain, England, Scandinavia and many Third World and
CORROBORATED: September 11, 2001, the WTC was destroyed; the
United States has already attacked Afghanistan and Iraq as of the time
of this writing.
• 235th Contact, February 3, 1990:
Warned of earthquake in California and eruption of the Redoubt volcano in Alaska for February 28, 1992.
CORROBORATED: The Upland quake occurred on that precise date;
and the Redoubt volcanic activity began on February 21 and continued
through February 28, with more activity following in March.
• 241st Contact, February 3, 1992:
This contact contained specific corroborated warnings about:
• Landslide in Brazil, March 1992: occurred March 18, 1992;
• Nuclear accident in Russia during the third week of March: occurred March 27, 1992;
• Landers earthquake in Los Angeles for April 23 or 24, 1992: occurred April 22, 1992;
• Eruption of Mt Etna, Italy, in April 1992: reported April 15, 1992;
• Eruption of Cerro Negro, Nicaragua, in April 1992: occurred April 9–12, 1992;
• Earthquakes in Germany–Holland–Belgium area for April 1992: occurred April 13, 1992;
• Earthquakes in China–Burma (Myanmar) April 1992: occurred China–Burma border April 23, 1992.
• 249th Contact, June 13, 1994:
Still speculative: In response to a question Meier asked
regarding "mad cow disease", Ptaah stated that "BSE pathogens cannot be
destroyed by simply cooking the meat and other items, or by producing
meat meal", and that the temperatures necessary for killing the
disease-causing prions would need to be "as high as 700°C [1292°F], and
possibly even up to 1000°C [1832°F], for previously mutated pathogens
that have existed for some time now". Our scientists have been raising
their own estimates as to the temperatures necessary to destroy the
disease-causing prions and are now more closely approaching the
temperatures that the Plejaren, Ptaah, stated.
• 251st Contact, February 3, 1995:
This contact contains startling information regarding
technological developments such as hybrid warriors created by mixing
human and pig DNA. People will have biochips attached to their nerve
endings, and Meier warned of ominous biochipping with links to Deep
Space Platform satellites and supercomputer.
CORROBORATED: Human–pig DNA experiments have begun in the last several years; people are starting to get "chipped".
Still speculative: Creation of half-human/half-machine beings,
clones and androids; discoveries that conclusively confirm existence of
previous human life on Mars; rectification of the "ageing" and
"aggression" genes; Plejaren warnings of deep-impact scenario, and need
for a defence system for incoming objects.
— Michael Horn
Presented by Quetzal
on the
215th Contact, Saturday, February 28, 1987, 2.09 am
© Billy Meier/FIGU 2002–2004
Quetzal: …Before I give you a clear account of the prophecies
of Henoch, I would like to point out that prophecies are always
changeable and can be changed for the better if man makes positive
changes in his thoughts, feelings and actions, leading to that which is
better and positively progressive. Prophecies always rest upon specific
causes; these again result in certain effects, whereby these effects can
be changed at any time if only the preceding causes are changed in
their form. Therefore, it is possible that negative or evil prophecies
do not have to be fulfilled if the preceding causes will be purposely
changed in a manner that positivity and good develop instead of
negativity and evil.
However, this does not apply to predictions, as these rest
upon events that cannot be changed, are inevitable and surely and
definitely will occur in the future. Predictions rest upon a preview and
thus on a direct viewing of the future, and have to do with neither
prophecy nor with calculation of probability. So when I make a portion
of Henoch's prophecies for the third millennium known to you, it does
not mean that they have to be fulfilled, because the prerequisite of
fulfilment in each case would be that the already existing causes
continue to exist as also continue to be created in the future so that a
fulfilment of the prophecies can come to pass.
Thus, provided that human beings of Earth will become
reasonable, the possibility exists that by a reasonable change in the
way of thinking as well as a reasonable development in feeling and an
equally reasonable way of acting, everything changes for the better and
positive, whereby prophecies do not have to be fulfilled. However, if
this transformation does not occur, a very evil, wicked and negative
time lies ahead for the Earth and its entire population in the coming
new millennium.
Billy Meier: Since the Second World War, the thoughts,
feelings and actions of the human being of Earth have changed much
towards the positive and good, but all that achieved is not enough in my
opinion, as the great transformation towards the better has not been
achieved yet, neither by the mighty of this world nor all of mankind of
Earth itself. In the years gone by, you have made many predictions and
calculations of probability as well as mentioned prophetic facts
concerning the economic, military and political situation on Earth,
whereby I was requested to spread this information—which I indeed have
done. Governments and newspapers, radio stations as well as TV stations
and many private persons worldwide were informed by me. But the entire
effort did not achieve anything, because up to now mankind has carried
on in the old manner and has paid no attention whatsoever to prophecies,
predictions and calculations of probability.
And the same will most likely be the case in the future, when I
receive permission from you in the coming time to spread the prophecies
of Henoch for the third millennium. But, nevertheless, I feel that
Henoch's message for the future must be made known and distributed,
because somehow it may bear fruit yet.
Quetzal: You apparently never give up hope. Your optimism is
honourable and deserves to be heard by human beings, but the way things
have developed throughout this century there is not too much hope that
human beings of Earth will come to their senses and heed your words.
This will then be the case only when the prophecies prove to be true or,
even worse, have already come to pass. Probably only then will the time
come when the defamations against you will end in regard to your
contacts with us, although they will long continue to be vehemently
disputed by your enemies as well as by pathological know-it-alls and
critics who dismiss them as swindle, lies and fraud. The full truth
about our contacts with you will be proven in the distant future, and
then mankind will accept our help we offer through you—even when they
erroneously assume we come from the seven-star system known to human
beings of Earth as the Pleiades. [The Plejaren claim to live in the
Plejares, an altered time-space configuration about 80 light-years
beyond the Pleiades. MH]
Billy: Semjase and Ptaah already explained this to me. But
tell us now what the new millennium will bring to human beings of Earth
and the planet Earth according to the prophecies of Henoch.
Quetzal: I will do that in a moment, but I would like to
explain before beginning that I am not authorised to give exact
indication of years in an official manner.
If the human being of Earth continues to live in the same way
as he has done up to now—forming his thoughts and feelings in the same
manner, indulging in the same actions as he has hitherto—then the words
of the prophecies of Henoch could not be any clearer.
The point in time at which these prophecies will begin to be
fulfilled will be when a Pope will no longer reside in Rome. All of
Europe will then fall victim to a terrible punishment by evil powers.
The Christian religion will collapse and the churches and monasteries
will end up in ruins and ashes.
Monstrous forces will be created by science and will be
released by the military forces and armies as well as by terrorists,
causing great destruction. Millions and even billions of people will be
killed by acts of terrorism, by wars and civil wars; and finally, in
some parts of the world, every third human being, and, in other places,
every fourth human being, will lose his or her life. The nations of the
East will rise against the nations of the West, the West against the
East. Many deaths will be inflicted upon the people by fighter and
bomber aircraft, and bombs and rockets will destroy and annihilate
smaller and larger villages and cities.
The people will be completely powerless against all this and
will live through 888 days of Hell on Earth, suffering hunger and
plagues which will claim even more lives than the war itself. The time
will be severe as never before experienced on Earth. Ultimately, nothing
can be bought or sold any longer. All provisions will be rationed; and
if a human being steals even a small piece of bread, he/she will have to
pay for it with his/her life. Many waters will mix with human blood and
turn red, as once in the past the Nile in Egypt turned red with
And it will be that the fanatics of Islam will rise up against
the countries of Europe and all will shake and quiver. Everything in
the West will be destroyed; England will be conquered and thrown down to
the lowest level of misery. And the fanatics and warriors of Islam will
retain their power for a long time. However, not only Europe will be
affected but ultimately all the countries and peoples of the Earth, as
the great horror expands to a war that will encompass the entire
After the turn of the millennium, the papacy will exist only a
short period. Pope John Paul II is the third from last in this
position. After him, only one additional pontificate will follow. Then a
Pontifex Maximus follows who will be known as Petrus Romanus. Under his
religious rule, the end of the Catholic Church will come, a total
collapse becoming inevitable. That will be the beginning of the worst
catastrophe that will ever have befallen the human beings and the Earth.
Many Catholic clerics, priests, bishops, cardinals and many others will
be killed and their blood will flow in streams. But also the reformed
version of Christianity will become just as infinitely small, as does
Horrifying weapons and a possible world war
Due to the fault of scientists, enormous power will be seized
by the power-hungry and their military, their warriors and terrorists,
and power will be seized as well through laser weapons of many types,
but also via atomic, chemical and biological weapons. Also concerning
genetic technology, enormous misuse will occur, because this will be
unrestrainedly exploited for the purposes of war, not lastly due to the
cloning of human beings for warring purposes, as this was practised in
ancient times with the descendants of Henoch in the regions of
However, this will not be all of the horrors; as besides the
genetic technology and the chemical weapons, far worse and more
dangerous and more deadly weapons of mass destruction will be produced
and will be used. The irresponsible politicians will unscrupulously
exercise their power, assisted by scientists and obedient military
forces serving them, who together hold a deadly sceptre and will create
clone-like beings which will be bred in a total lack of conscience and
will be scientifically manipulated to become killer machines. Division
by division and devoid of any feelings, they will destroy, murder and
annihilate everything.
The USA will set out against the Eastern countries ahead of
all other financial states and simultaneously she will have to defend
herself against the Eastern intruders. In all, America will play the
most decisive role, when in the guise to strive for peace and to fight
against terrorism she invades many countries of the Earth, bombs and
destroys everything and brings thousandfold deaths to the populations.
The military politics of the USA will likewise know no limits, as
neither will their economic and other political institutions which will
be focused on building and operating a world police force, as it is the
case already for a long time [sic]. But that will not be enough, and, in
the guise of a so-called peaceful globalisation, American politics will
aspire to gain absolute control of the world concerning supremacy in
And this will point towards the possibility that a Third World
War could develop from it, if human beings as a whole will not finally
reflect upon reason, become reasonable and undertake the necessary steps
against the insane machinations of their governments and military
powers as well as their secret services, and call a halt to the power of
the irresponsible who have forsaken their responsibility in all
If this does not happen, many small and great nations will
lose their independence and their cultural identity and will be beaten
down, because the USA will gain predominance over them and with evil
force bring them down under her rule. At first, many countries will howl
with the wolves of the US, partially due to fear of American
aggressions and sanctions, as will be the case with many, many
irresponsible [ones] in Switzerland and Germany but also of other
countries. In part, others will join in because they will be forced
somehow to do so or will be misled by irresponsible promoters of
American propaganda.
Finally, many Asian, African and European states will rise up
against the American hegemony, once they recognise that the United
States of America is only taking advantage of them for purposes of war,
conquest and exploitation. In this way, many countries will become
puppet states of America before reason and realisation will emerge in
the responsible ones of governments and in many of the population,
resulting in a turning away from the USA.
However, the great war will hardly be avoidable because the
human beings of Earth will probably not accept the directions towards
the better, therewith towards true love, true freedom and real peace,
striving instead only towards wealth, pleasure and riches and for all
manner of material values and unrestricted power. Thus, huge and deadly
formations of tanks will roll across the countries while fighter planes
and rockets sweep through the air and bring death, ruin, destruction and
annihilation to countries and people.
If the Third World War will actually happen—as calculations
and observations appear to indicate to be probable now and also during
the approaching few decades—then, as now, the civilian population will
above all have to bear the brunt of the enormous suffering in tremendous
numbers in this entire catastrophe and, last but not least, the fault
of the irresponsible scientists who by cloning will create human
machines for military purposes, devoid of conscience and feelings, and
will create immensely deadly and all-annihilating computer-like weapons.
At the same time, the danger could become reality that the human combat
machines, the military clones, will gain their independence and under
their own management will bring death, devastation, destruction and
annihilation to the human beings of Earth and to the planet.
The entire planet will become an arena of unparalleled
suffering, which will never have existed before on Earth up to that
time. The cruel happenings will last about 888 days and cause
civilisation to collapse. Yet, the terrible scenario will continue, and
epidemics and various diseases as well as enormous famine will be spread
among the people, while the economy of the world will totally collapse
and there will be no possibility to produce any goods. All foods and
medications will be rationed.
The insanity of war will extend not only across the land, but
the disaster will equally be spread to the oceans, into the atmosphere,
even into outer space. But there will also be settlements under the
ocean that will be developed in the course of the future and these will
be attacked and destroyed, claiming the lives of many thousands of
people. However, a certain maelstrom of destruction will also originate
from the undersea facilities; because in the cities at the bottom of the
ocean, groups of submarine pirates will be formed which will burst
upwards from the depths of the ocean and will become involved in
destructive actions of combat with naval units on the surface.
And at this time, the possibility could become reality that
extraterrestrial forces intervene against the Western industrialised
countries, because these will be responsible for the extreme and
enormous disaster of the coming evil times. These extraterrestrial
forces will give up their anonymity and their state of secrecy and will
assist those who are being terrorised by the irresponsibly acting
Western countries, should this possibility become reality.
In addition, apocalyptic natural catastrophes will occur which
will cause all of Europe to shake and tremble; but Europe will continue
to exist, even after having suffered enormous destruction.
Destruction in North America
Far in the West, it will be different;
the United States of America will be a country of total destruction. The
cause for this will be manifold. With her global conflicts which are
continuously instigated by her and which will continue far into the
future, America is creating enormous hatred against her, worldwide, in
many countries. As a result, America will experience enormous
catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of
Earth. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by
terrorists will only be the beginning. (remember
this was foretold in feb.1987)
Yet all the apocalyptic events will not only be brought about
due to the use of unbelievably deadly and destructive weapons—such as
chemical, laser and others—and by cloned murder machines; but in
addition to this, the Earth and nature, maltreated to the deepest depths
by the irresponsible human beings of Earth, will rise up and cause
destruction and bring death onto the Earth. Enormous firestorms and
gigantic hurricanes will sweep over the USA and bring devastation,
destruction and annihilation, as this from time immemorial never before
will have happened [sic].
Not only will America, but also all other Western industrial
countries which still live at the beginning of the new millennium in the
delusion that they could dominate and rule over underdeveloped nations,
i.e., Third World countries, will not only soon lose influence over
these but must defend themselves against them.
According to the prophecies of Henoch, the truth about
industrialised countries is that they only seem to appear to be true
civilisations, but in fact they are not; because more and more, at the
end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the third millennium,
they will disregard all true love, true freedom and true wisdom as well
as true peace along with all values of humaneness and all values of
men's and women's true being.
But not even all the terrible happenings will hinder the USA
in continuing to proceed with her actions against all countries. Even
when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible
catastrophe which has ever been recorded, evil military powers will
wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear, biological and chemical
weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised weapons become
independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings.
Overall, this is the most important part of Henoch's prophecies.
Epidemics, conflicts and disasters
Billy: There is still more to it; at least that is what you told me.
Quetzal: You are untiring; so I will point out a few more
important facts of the prophecies. As of now, new epidemics have spread
among the people of Earth; however, as Henoch prophesied, quite a number
of further epidemics will follow. Not only AIDS will occur worldwide in
the 1990s, but also epidemics such as the so-called "mad cow disease",
i.e., BSE, out of which different strains of Creutzfeldt–Jakob syndrome
will develop, lasting well into the new millennium. Also, an epidemic
known as Ebola will cause many deaths, as well as other unknown
epidemics and diseases which will sporadically arise in epidemic
proportions and will be new to the human being, causing great
However, most of the evil will be brought about by politics.
France and Spain become involved with each other in armed conflicts, and
even before World War Three will have broken out. Yet France will not
only engage in armed conflicts with Spain, for within her great unrests
will arise, leading to upheavals and civil war, as [will be] the case in
Russia and Sweden. Especially in France and Sweden, machinations as
well as dictatorial regulations of the European Union will cause much
unrest and many uprisings; but also crimes committed by gangs and
organised criminal elements in these countries will cause unavoidable
civil wars.
In addition, significant tensions will arise between the
native citizens and immigrants from foreign countries, who as a rule
also observe religious beliefs different from those of the native
populace. And in the end, this will lead to severe conflicts. Hatred
against strangers, foreigners and people of different religious beliefs
will be the order of the day, as well as the rise of neo-Nazism,
terrorism and right-extremism. Conditions similar to civil war will be
in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and claim many lives.
The Soviet Union will be dissolved in this decade or at the
latest by the beginning of the next. The man decisive for this action
will be Mikhail Gorbachev. But this will not lead to rest, because the
new Russia will continue its longstanding conflict with China over Inner
Mongolia, with the result that Russia will lose a portion of this
territory to China. And China becomes dangerous, especially to India, as
also at this time China maintains uneasy relations with her. China will
attack India; and if biological weapons are used, around 30 million
human beings will be killed in the area of and around New Delhi alone.
However, this will not be the end yet—because the effect of biological
bombs and missiles, etc., used cannot be controlled at that time, and
terrible epidemics unknown up to that point in time will arise and will
spread quickly to many areas. Also Pakistan will allow herself to be
misled to instigate a war against India, which will be especially
dangerous in view of the fact that both countries are developing atomic
Wars and devastation in Europe and North America
Yet Russia will not rest and will attack
Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months
before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe,
causing great devastation and destruction. It must still be stated that
the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from
Arhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the
insignificance of this country. Yet Russia will not be satisfied with
this action of war, as her will for expansion will be ravenous. And
consequently Russia will launch a military attack against Iran and
Turkey and will conquer these two countries in bloody fighting, causing
enormous destruction.
In the Russian expansionist mentality will also be included
the drive to gain control of the Middle Eastern oil deposits as well as
to gain control of the southeastern region of Europe. Therefore, she
will also invade the Balkans and conquer these countries there in
enormous battles, causing ruthless and devastating destruction with many
This will be at the time that tremendous natural disasters
will hit Italy and its people, causing severe hardship. But this will
also be at the time when Vesuvius could become active again and could
spread tremendous havoc. At the same time, a war will shake Italy and
claim many human lives as well as cause great destruction.
Destruction of war will descend on the northern countries as
strong military forces will invade them from the East and will pillage
and murder as well as use bombs and missiles, like hail coming down, and
hitherto unknown weapons of laser- and computer-controlled types which
will destroy and annihilate everything, whereby the first target will be
Hungary and after that will follow Austria and northern Italy.
Switzerland will also be severely affected, but will not be the actual
target; this will be France and Spain. However, the main objective of
the aggressors will be to bring all of Europe under their military
control, and for that purpose France will be selected to be the
France will not only be invaded by the aggressors from the
outside, but will also be conquered from within as a result of
collaborative forces and other forces.
This can be envisioned as being the
many foreigners of a different religion living in France at that time,
and specifically Islam, which will be this force working from within.
Once France has fallen, a war to conquer Spain and England will take
place. Subsequently, an alliance with the forces of the aggressors will
be formed, which will invade Scandinavia.
For all these French-based military operations, the weapons of
mass destruction stored in the arsenals of France will be used and
cause evil devastation, destruction and annihilation. The aggressors
from the East will force the French Army to join their military forces
and lead a war of conquest against the northern countries of Europe,
invading and conquering Sweden and Norway. Subsequently, these northern
countries will be annexed by Russia. Military forces will also attack
Finland, whereby many will be killed and an enormous destruction will be
At the same time, as a civil war rages in Germany, an
enormously bloody revolution will break out in England which will claim
more lives than will be claimed by the civil war in Germany. And because
England and Ireland have been at war for a long time already, due to
the IRA and the police and military forces of England, the result will
be (because this feud will continue up to that time) that this
revolution will spread out to all of Ireland, especially affecting
Northern Ireland. Many lives will be lost during a civil war in Wales,
where differences between various parties will arise before the Third
World War. Welsh and English forces will clash especially near Cymru,
and claim many lives and cause great destruction.
But death, destruction and annihilation will not only rage in
Europe but also in America, where much suffering will have to be endured
and many deaths as well as destruction and annihilation will be.
America and Russia will have the most terrible weapons of mass
destruction at their disposal—a fact which is already the case to a
certain extent today—and will clash with violent force against each
other at that time of conflict, whereby Canada will also be dragged into
this conflict. The source of this conflict will substantiate the
Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada.
This conflict will result in mass killings of human beings as
well as devastating destruction, annihilation and epidemics, etc., which
mankind of Earth will never have seen and experienced up to that time.
Not only nuclear, biological and chemical weapons will be used en masse,
but also enormously deadly systems of computer-controlled weapons that
are only in the beginning stages of development today, or will be
invented and constructed during the third millennium.
Worldwide natural catastrophes
As already mentioned, enormous natural
catastrophes and rolling walls of fire and violent hurricanes will rage
all across America, while, in addition, all the terrible effects of war
will bring thousandfold deaths, destruction and annihilation. America's
largest cities will be absolutely destroyed, and firestorms will cause
great disaster and misery.
Severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will also belong to
that time, and these will cause much suffering and misery and deaths
besides enormous destruction and devastation, as all of nature and the
planet itself will rise up against the insanity of human beings on
Earth. However, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will not
only rage in America, but also in Europe and in the rest of the
These activities have already begun at the present time, also
during the past decades—with the exception that they will become
increasingly more devastating in the future. And man of Earth is guilty
for the most part today, as also in the future it is man who will
destroy the entire environment—all of nature, the atmosphere, water and
all the resources of the planet.
And through this, a shifting of weight inside the Earth takes
place, caused for example by the creation of gigantic lakes by damming
and by creating hollow caverns due to the exploitation of petroleum and
gas, etc. And thereby unnatural inner-Earth movements are created, which
also lead to unnatural tectonic effects and cause earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions, which also in turn cause enormous climatic changes,
resulting in horrendous tornadoes of devastating proportions which in
the end will set their destructive energies free on the entire world.
All of this will lead to increasingly horrible floods and unusually
massive snowfalls which will advance to the southern countries and
finally even to the equatorial regions, because through the insanity of
human beings the Earth has begun unnoticeably to spin [strangely] as a
consequence of atomic explosions inside and on the surface of the Earth.
And this will be the reason that the planet will slowly but surely
enter an extraordinary spinning orbit around the Sun, while the first
phase is already occurring, which causes a change in climate, leading to
a new ice age.
Civil wars and anarchy in America (see
link on timetravel from 2036)
Yet the misery on Earth will continue,
as two terrible civil wars will break out in America, whereby one will
follow the other. Afterwards, the United States of America will break
apart and deadly hostility will prevail among her, which then leads to
the division into five different territories; and it cannot be prevented
that sectarian fanatics will play a dictatorial role.
Anarchy will be the worldwide condition that will prevail and
torment human beings over a long period of time, as human beings will
also be tormented by the many epidemics and diseases, many of them new
and unknown to human beings and for this reason incurable. Due to this
fact, the bodies of many human beings will slowly and miserably decay,
while unbearable pain will also occur as well as blindness and terrible
respiratory problems that lead to suffocation. The consciousness of many
human beings will become impaired and succumb to feeblemindedness and
insanity. And all these gruesome occurrences will be traceable to
biological and chemical weapons, which are the cause of not fast, but
gruesome and slow deaths; and this will also occur due to the use of ray
and frequency weapons which are already being developed today.
Finally, the words of Henoch may be specifically mentioned,
which include that mankind of Earth, in pursuit of technology for mass
destruction and greed for power, hatred, vengeance and riches, will
ignore all values of Creation and will trample upon all values of love,
wisdom, freedom and peace, as ancestors of the Henoch lineage have done
before, to plunge the world into screaming misery, death, destruction
and annihilation and into the most severe catastrophes mankind of Earth
will ever have experienced. 8
About the Author:
Michael Horn is the authorised American
media representative for the Billy Meier Contacts and has researched the
case for over 25 years. He is a lecturer, writer and frequent guest on
radio and TV. Michael is scheduled to speak at the Bay Area UFO Expo in
San Francisco in August and at the Unconventional Convention in Las
Vegas in November.
Editor's Note:
The information here is just a fraction of that given to Billy
Meier. For more details, and for the complete text of the Henoch
prophecies, visit the website
The Henoch Prophecies are copyright © 2002–2004 Billy
Meier/FIGU (Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz und
Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien [Free Community of Interests
in Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies), Semjase Silver
Star Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH, Switzerland. For more information,
go to website
The complete Henoch Prophecies, as well as more predictions
from the 251st Contact, can be found in Guido Moosbrugger's 2004 book,
And Still They Fly! (the second edition of And Yet They Fly!, 2001).
Both the book and the new DVD, The Meier Contacts – The Key To Our
Future Survival (see review, NEXUS 11/03), are available directly from, or contact Michael Horn, PO Box 5163, Playa del
Rey, California 90296, USA, email Also see Michael
Hesemann's interview, "Billy Meier's ET Contacts Are Real, Says His
Son", in Twilight Zone, NEXUS 7/02.
some "similar " was told to another
contactperson in -73 - see link:
A Great New Dawn for Humanity:
Of Enrique Castillo Rincon
Billy Meier's Son,
Methusalem, Speaks Out
For The First Time
A Interview
With MAGAZIN 2000 Plus
from some Meier-case witnesses